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Proin ac pede vel ligula facilisis gravida purus. Etiam sapien. Duis diam urna, iaculis ut, vehicula ac, varius sit.
Artist:: Arthur Havenaar / M.C.T
Born:: 19
Genre:: Metal, Punk Rock,Neder hiphop,
Locale of origin :: Duch,Nederlands
Residence:: Duch,Nederlands
Best Albums:: MCT, Onweer
More info:: Onweer is an Metal band that incorporates beats, lots of drums, and occasionally a classical guitar. The three members seem to be very interchangeable on their instruments, but for the most part, Arthur Havenaar plays percussion, tamadrums, and sirJoski washburnguitars, Gibson & Ibanez guitars.
All three of them contribute to the heavily layered vocals. While thinking highly of their first album, M.C.T (though it does contain the song "Batt met de duivel), I am quite fond of their second two studio albums, “Wie is Jezus” and “Hekserij”, released respectively. Their music is very happy. It is also very Rock-like in that it is catchy and simple (simple does NOT imply that it is not extremely creative or unoriginal).
I've always had a lot of respect for bands that make loveable music with simple elements,
Some of their songs are touchy-feely, like something you'd listen to with your girlfriend (or boyfriend). "Wie is Jesus" ,"Mummificatie" and "De dag van de Duivel" are in that spirit. But even more emotional than the aforementioned are Onweer's dramatic tales of war and crime, the most notable being "Geld is de Duivel" and "Verdwaald" I listened almost exclusively to those two songs i went on Winter vacation last year.
Onweer are Christians and when you realize this, it is easy to see their beliefs taking form in their lyrics. "Go now you are forgiven" ("Rituelen") , "Geef ons een teken" and "De dag van de duivel" ("Geld is de duivel"). Their faith certainly adds edge to their music, but is by no means in your face evangelism, or even obvious. Anyone can listen to their music without taking offense, but it is interesting to know where some of their passion comes from.
Once you get into them you will know the pain. I definitely recommend this band to everyone though, and it is in my opinion that no person should go through life without a live version of "De Succubus" performed in Scheveningen.
Ik kom uit een muzikale familie. Bij ons thuis hebben altijd verschillende muziekinstrumenten deel uitgemaakt van het interieur. Zo hebben er door de jaren heen verschillende piano’s, keyboards, maar vooral gitaren in huis gestaan. De gitaar heeft als kind de grootste indruk op mij gemaakt. Vanaf mijn eerste plastic (Blokker)-gitaartje op mijn vierde verjaardag, heeft mijn vader me hierin geïnspireerd en begeleid. Al snel kreeg ik mijn eerste echte akoestische kindergitaar en vanaf mijn tiende levensjaar ben ik serieus bezig met het gitaarspel. Toen ik twaalf was kon mijn vader me niets meer bijleren en ben ik zelf via internet gaan zoeken naar meer inspiratie. Tot en met vandaag probeer ik me de gitaartechnieken van de grote gitaarmeesters eigen te maken. Naast de gitaar speel ik ook keyboard, piano, basgitaar, mondharmonica en zing ik.