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Punk Night  

Entrance: FREE

Op vrijdag 23 Augustus2013 om 21:00 staan de Tiger Pilots op the podium in Musicon. Tiger Pilots are an indie four-piece from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Their material is reminiscent of post-punk bands from the early ’80’s but they still very much sound like Tiger Pilots.

Tiger Pilots has canceled their attendance at this show. Popoulos will compensate : blast louder.

Bands who are interested in a last-minute appearance on this night can contact Musicon: call 070 3686800 (ask for Godfrey or Olax) or email

Tiger Pilots are an indie four-piece from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Their material is reminiscent of post-punk bands from the early ’80’s but they still very much sound like Tiger Pilots: A combination of groovy, bass-heavy, danceable tunes with dark vocals, and stunning sound-scapy slower songs

Genre Post-Punk / Indie

Leden Derk Zegwaard - Drums

Ramón van Geytenbeek - Vocals

Ludwin Schouten - Bass

Jon Chua - Guitar

Popoulos - 23-8-2013

Popoulos - 23-8-2013  

Musicon- Punk Night 

Tiger Pilots  on the web                See and hear  new video’s

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Tiger Pilots  From 'The Truth About Lies' EP

. SEE: on youtube. -

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