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Genre Psychedelick Punk Rock Avantgarde.
Leden band Domenico Gagliardi , Stone Fish , Lama Waaien , P. Deluxe
Geboorteplaats The Hague
Connectie https://myspace.com/mollesters
Korte beschrijving 'ICONOCLAST' old Punks recorded on the album Punk s Not Deaf the song Iconoclast former members of the Hague Punk band the Mollesters and Prairie Whore
ICONOCLAST 29-05-2014
'ICONOCLAST' old Punks recorded on the album Punk s Not Deaf the song Iconoclast former members of the Hague Punk band the Mollesters and Prairie Whore.
- PaardCafe VR. 16 SEP 2012
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