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Onweer would like to thank:
Jack (thanx for making the dvd), Marcel (mosound),Joski (thank's for drumming and shouting on Tordenvear)
Drukkerij SmashDign, Pluer, Gouda Headbangers, Wouter, Herko, Eline, Luuk
Popoulos, de Liik, Drugsmokkel (Marloes en Mirjam), Empire Records, Theo rocky Road,
Hellion Records, Stichting sleeping beauty, Femke - Play loud as hell! -, Paul (bedankt)
Musicon, Jack (bedankt voor de mooie website en live opnames), Fret popmagazine, Mams en Jan, Kink FM (Freakshow), John (helemaal kut), Alex (power is poison), Mike (burka barbies), Iwan, Euroshopper Bier, Tijgertje, Jerry, Tim, Patrick, Dave, Edgar & Black Rose.
And everybody who support's our music.
Metal forever its in your heart or not.
Recorded in The Hague 7-08-2007 and Zoetermeer 29-08-2007
BY Mosound Studio’s
All music and lyrics by Arthur, Onweer music 2007
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