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The Official Popoulos website with news, pictures, audio and video clips, releases, gigs, biography, lyrics and merchandise
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In 1994 Arthur And Jos meet each other in a coffee shop where many musicians came (The Demo), and decided to make music. The first band name was "BBH" (Big Blue Heron) with Edward Tan to play drums.
In 2000 Harold moved from the band and Edward came back.
In 2001 came a new band name "Rastapopoulos", named after a cartoon character in the Tintin books. Then came Dave Gulmez to strengthen the band. Edward on drums was replaced by Edgar da Silva. After Edgar went away from the band , we decided the following line-up:
Joski - vocals and bass
Dave - guitar
Arthur - drums
The band name was replaced in 2002 by "Popoulos" and because of that a honor demo was recorded in 2003 with 5 songs.
Then came Lotte Haring on vocals strengthen the band, Dave stopt and Brenda Grund replaced him on guitar. When it was decided that Joski was start singing again. Brenda and Lotte left and then came to Popoulos, Marloes on guitar.
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16 aug 2002
Op vrijdag 30 augustus geeft de nieuwe band Popoulos haar debuutconcert in café Confusion aan het Achterom. De Haagse band brengt Nederlandstalige metal en bestaat uit de volgende muzikanten: Jos Vandenberg (zang,bas), Arthur Havenaar (drums) en David Gülmez (gitaar).